
Wearable Devices and Salesforce: A Post-Mobile Future?
Recently, in an article posted on CIO, Senior Vice President of Emerging Technologies at Daniel Debow spoke of a new, exciting technology that Salesforce was building integrations for, wearable technologies. Long relegated to personal fitness and the...

1+1=3: Why Networking Matters
In the not-so-distant past, I thought networking didn’t matter, and I was so wrong. I assumed that, when sending out resumes or asking for favors, my accomplishments were enough. After all, at only 28 I’d earned two Masters degrees from major universities, was...

Infographic: ScanBizCards Offers Superior Features for Mobile Users
If you browse the iTunes or Google Play app stores, you'll notice there are a lot of apps promoting their ability to scan your business cards and load the text into your phone's contact list. We've tried them all at CircleBack, and none of them come close to the...

What Does Your Business Card Say About You?
Recently, I was at a meet-up, having a really great discussion with a designer about a new business idea. We were on the same page about everything. He was loving my ideas about my proposed product and I was loving his vision of the brand's app, execution, and...