by CircleBack | Jan 26, 2015 | HR, Information Technology, Marketing, Professionals in Transition, Sales |
Because it’s a day of the week (yes, I know what I’m saying), people on the Internet are concerned about privacy. It seems that, with every tweet, every app, and every time someone is asked to connect their Facebook or Twitter to this or that service, a cry echoes in...
by CircleBack | Dec 22, 2014 | HR, Marketing, Professionals in Transition, Sales |
We all know it’s the time of year when work slows down, when we start working from home a little more and look forward to at least a few days off. And while holiday parties—those ubiquitous get togethers that force us into rooms filled with people we don’t know while...
by CircleBack | Dec 10, 2014 | Professionals in Transition |
Typically, everyone thinks of using contacts to help get the job transition ball rolling. They can help you write say the right things in your cover letter, they can help get your name to HR, and then, the rest is up to you, right? Wrong. Rather than thinking of...
by CircleBack | Dec 8, 2014 | Professionals in Transition |
When searching for a job, it’s very easy to forget that the world doesn’t stop for you. Every time you talk with someone, you bite back the jealousy that they’re currently living in the black, that they know where their next paycheck is coming from, and that they can...
by CircleBack | Dec 3, 2014 | HR, Information Technology, Marketing, Professionals in Transition, Sales |
Whether at the beginning of your career or the end, looking for a job or happy where you are, keeping contacts healthy should be a top priority. After all, you could be like me—suddenly laid off months into the new year with no preparation and inadequately maintained...
by CircleBack | Dec 1, 2014 | Professionals in Transition |
“Should I change jobs” is a question no one wants to ask but everyone thinks about at some point, usually late at night, when you’re still filling out paperwork rather than lying down next to a loved one and going to sleep. Maybe you wanted to be a trail-guide but...