by CircleBack | Dec 22, 2014 | HR, Marketing, Professionals in Transition, Sales |
We all know it’s the time of year when work slows down, when we start working from home a little more and look forward to at least a few days off. And while holiday parties—those ubiquitous get togethers that force us into rooms filled with people we don’t know while...
by CircleBack | Dec 17, 2014 | Marketing |
Any respectable content strategist knows that the most important thing about content is to keep learning: learning from your own successes and failures and from those in your industry, learning from social and content trends that are a part of the new,...
by CircleBack | Dec 15, 2014 | Marketing |
As you likely know, content strategy is everything. Defining audiences, articulating content goals, and drawing out the content “storyboard” that creates a trail of assets (a kind of content funnel) from audience engagement to customer conversion is a time-honored...
by CircleBack | Dec 10, 2014 | Professionals in Transition |
Typically, everyone thinks of using contacts to help get the job transition ball rolling. They can help you write say the right things in your cover letter, they can help get your name to HR, and then, the rest is up to you, right? Wrong. Rather than thinking of...
by CircleBack | Dec 8, 2014 | Professionals in Transition |
When searching for a job, it’s very easy to forget that the world doesn’t stop for you. Every time you talk with someone, you bite back the jealousy that they’re currently living in the black, that they know where their next paycheck is coming from, and that they can...