Creating Socially Conscious Branding

When most marketers are asked to create more socially conscious branding, they freeze. Yes, everyone would love the virality and organic growth of socially conscious brands, but the obvious places to align—global warming, oil spills, and social issues—are not spaces...

Countdown to the New

With the looming release of our revolutionary new app–CircleBack–we felt that a total overhaul of our website was in order. After all, it’s not every day that a single product brings in a new era of contact intelligence. Our designers and copywriters...
Selling in Real Estate: Know Your Audience

Selling in Real Estate: Know Your Audience

Too often, salespeople sell with their guts, reading their client’s body language, speech patterns, and, with that, they think they know the buyer, what kind of life they want, what kind of home. Unfortunately, that only works sometimes, and what used to be an...