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Creative New Design in Business Cards

In a recent post, we discussed what your business card says about you, but we didn’t even scratch the surface…

  • Marketing
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Wearable Devices and Salesforce: A Post-Mobile Future?

Recently, in an article posted on CIO, Senior Vice President of Emerging Technologies at Salesforce.com Daniel Debow spoke of a…

  • Professionals in Transition

1+1=3: Why Networking Matters

In the not-so-distant past, I thought networking didn’t matter, and I was so wrong. I assumed that, when sending out…

  • CircleBack App

Infographic: ScanBizCards Offers Superior Features for Mobile Users

If you browse the iTunes or Google Play app stores, you'll notice there are a lot of apps promoting their…

  • HR
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  • Professionals in Transition
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What Does Your Business Card Say About You?

Recently, I was at a meet-up, having a really great discussion with a designer about a new business idea. We…

  • CircleBack App

SalesForce1 Integration With iOS Apps: Challenges & Solutions

Like many independent software vendors, the CircleBack team was eagerly anticipating the launch of the Salesforce1 platform. As a mobile…

  • CircleBack App

CardMunch Is Out Of Business—Luckily, There Is ScanBizCards

LinkedIn’s business card scanning application, CardMunch, is closing its proverbial doors this July. If you are one of those users…

  • Marketing
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How to Meet Your Next Customer at a Holiday Party

I grew up in Vermont, so I really didn’t celebrate Cinco de Mayo (my favorite holiday) until moving to San…

  • Professionals in Transition

Making the World Your Web: LinkedIn

This blog entry is the third and final in a series about increasing your professional networking abilities and tactics. View…

  • Professionals in Transition
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What NOT to do with a Business Card

When I got the message from our new social marketing director—that’s right, CircleBack now has one of those—to do a…