• Press Releases

CircleBack Launches App to Convert Email Signatures into Address Book Contacts

CircleBack, a Contact Intelligence company, announces the launch of ContactSaver. Available for iOS devices and on the web, ContactSaver, when…

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  • Professionals in Transition
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Making the World Your Web: Social Networking

This blog entry is the second in a series about increasing your professional networking abilities and tactics. Part Two: Get…

  • CircleBack App

Beta User Survey Results: You Talked, We Listened

At CircleBack, we know that any good business only gets that way because it listens to its customers. For that…

  • HR
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  • Professionals in Transition
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Making the World Your Web: Start Networking Today

This blog entry is the first in a series about increasing your professional networking abilities and tactics. Part One: Get…

  • CircleBack App

Mobile OCR is Finally “Good Enough”

OCR has come a long way. Originating 100 years ago as a crude device to read and “speak” written texts…

  • CircleBack App

CircleBack is finally solving the “Contacts Management Problem”

Before you think it, let me list the top 5 reactions to this post: 5: Why can’t Garth get away…

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  • Professionals in Transition
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5 Pitfalls of Contact Management

Every professional in the world has a contact management problem. After all, your network is one of your most important assets;…

  • CircleBack App

ScanBizCards Enterprise Edition: Greasing Your Wheels Since 2013

Given that the mobile app has been downloaded almost 3 million times, the odds are good that you or someone…

  • HR
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  • Professionals in Transition
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Managing Your Future: Networking and Contact Management

I’m going to start by telling you something you already know: networking is not a joke. Think about how important…

  • CircleBack App

ScanBizCards and CircleBack Join Forces

While we were still in stealth mode building a great contact management product, we realized that the humble business card…