Storytelling for Better Sales

Storytelling is an invaluable craft for sales reps. Communication skills are as important as using the right tools to source and organize customer data. Wrapping your sales pitch around a good story can create “wow” moments for your customers. According to a Forbes article, the cognitive psychologist Jerome Bruner suggests we are 22 times more likely to remember a fact when it has been wrapped in a story.

But, how can create a good story?


Focus on what you can give

Start by focusing on how you can help your prospects rather than focusing on how to simply close a deal. Get a clear picture of what your prospect’s challenges are, as well as their priorities. Get in touch with your customers and ask any required questions.

Once you know any necessary information on your customers, it’s time to look into metrics. Start by browsing through the data and focusing on your customer’s interests. Create a compelling story around your customer’s pain points using data samples of the companies you have helped in similar situations, and highlight the positive outcomes. But be sure to use just the right amount of data.


Keep things Simple

The Microsoft Attention Span research report revealed that the average human attention span is down from 12 seconds in the year 2000 to eight seconds now, less than that of your average goldfish. It’s imperative that you keep the data short and simple. Use one or two examples and quickly backup your points with an easy-to-understand analysis that can be linked back to your customer’s pain points. Try to break information down into small chunks and offer it in a logical fashion for weaving a good story.

A storytelling process has a better chance of closing deals than merely pitching a pile of pie charts or bar graphs without a proper context. So, be sure to add proper context, keep things short, and sound like your prospect.


Sound like your Prospect

As you intend to help your prospects and you understand the context, it becomes easy to build a rapport with them. Now, matching the tone and your diction to that of your prospect will create a stronger bond. To enhance your chances of success, pose your solution to their problems in a language that your prospect understands and appreciates, and your story should be a hit.

However, don’t consider your story as complete after the deal is closed. You need to take care of the customer service and customer success part too, which is the basis of a long-term relationship. You will be surprised to know that product reviews can lead to an 18% lift in sales. So, keep in touch with your customers after the sale and nurture the relationship further. This will help you generate many more stories that live up to your brand’s commitment.


In a nutshell, good storytelling has the ability to quickly captivate your audience attention, and help unleash relevant statistics in a creative and interesting way. Storytelling also helps build trust and rapport with the prospects, and hence, increases the chances of more sales and a long-term relationship with the customers. Happy Storytelling!!

Ashwin Rai:
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