• Press Releases

CircleBack 1.1 Released, Selected as a Featured Business App in Apple iTunes

CircleBack Was Made Exclusively for Today's Professional to Enhance Their Address Books, Keeping Contacts Clean and Up-to-Date VIENNA, VA--(Marketwired -…

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  • Press Releases

CircleBack 1.1 Released, Selected as a Featured Business App in Apple iTunes

CircleBack Was Made Exclusively for Today's Professional to Enhance Their Address Books, Keeping Contacts Clean and Up-to-Date VIENNA, VA--(Marketwired -…

  • CircleBack App

#CBForward: An Interview with Charley Johnson

#CBForward, a joint initiative between CircleBack and the Pay It Forward Foundation, is a national fundraising/ awareness campaign that focuses…

  • CircleBack App

Adding Networks Makes CircleBack Stronger

As a part of the CircleBack community, you want to get the most from your address book: updated, clean contacts…

  • HR
  • Information Technology

Marketing Strategies To Boost IT Recruitment

With the surge of baby boomers making their way into retirement (up to 10k a month, according to ComputerWorld), recruitment…

  • Sales

Contact Decay is Damaging Your Customer Experience Initiatives

Cited as one of the major challenges of the insurance industry in 2014, improving customer experience is… hard. Or, at…

  • General
  • Press Releases

CircleBack Launches First Artificially Intelligent Contact Manager

The CircleBack App Cleans, Completes, De-Dupes and Updates Contacts So Your Address Book Is Always Organized and Accurate VIENNA, VA--(Marketwired…

  • CircleBack App

Why CircleBack has Committed to Paying It Forward

When I first started working in business, I had a boss, Merrill Phelan, that was different from anyone I’ve worked…

  • CircleBack App

Why It’s Important to Interact with CircleBack

Now that CircleBack has launched, we wanted to share tips and tricks, ensuring you get the most from the CircleBack…

  • HR
  • Sales

5 Sales Tools For Simplified Recruitment

Building a recruitment plan, doing university outreach, searching tirelessly through LinkedIn for prospects ripe for job transition… the life of…