Email Signature Capture has Come to CircleBack

Hi there, CircleBackers.

I wanted to let you all know that, with our newest updates on iOS and Android, email signature capture is now available directly within all CircleBack apps.

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We’ve been hard at work building this functionality into the app so that you have even more opportunity to save the contacts you need and stay connected with the people who matter in your professional life.

Our email signature capture works like this: enable it, and it goes to work hunting through your inbox for contacts you don’t have but might need. When it finds one, it transforms the email signature into a CircleBack contact and gives you the option to add it to your contact list or not.

And, of course, we immediately delete any and all non-contact-related records from our system during the search. That’s your email. We just want to help you get more out of it.

And just as a reminder, everything we do with CircleBack, we do for you. Your feedback is what drives us forward, and we always love to hear from you.

Until next time!

Andy Cohn
VP of Consumer Products

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