CardMunch Is Out Of Business—Luckily, There Is ScanBizCards

LinkedIn’s business card scanning application, CardMunch, is closing its proverbial doors this July. If you are one of those users who used the application to get business cards added to your contact list, have no fear—the free ScanBizCards app can do it all, and much more.

The plan for LinkedIn is to have all users scan their cards into Evernote, a service that is better known for storing photos, website clippings and project notes. Don’t get me wrong, Evernote is a great service for holding project documents, but as a contact management service? Not really.

CardMunch users can send their contact file (click here to fill out LinkedIn’s form requesting your data file) to ScanBizCards, whereupon their contact list will be ported into the ScanBizCards app for free.

Take a look at the chart below to see how the apps stack up against one another.

As you can see, the free ScanBizCards app is far superior to the CardMunch app and what Evernote will be able to provide you. So what are you waiting for?

1. Get ScanBizCards: Download ScanBizCards App for iPhone or Download ScanBizCards App for Android

2. Get Your CardMunch Data File: Fill out this request form

3. Send Your CardMunch Data File: Email your data to


View Comments (8)

  • I never really cared for CardCrunch…. which was why I chose to go with ScanBizCards. However, the one thing that I wish ScanBizCard had would be faster image capture and auto-crop and orientation! I discovered the reason why LinkedIn chose to dismantle their own app. They chose to partner with Evernote whose business card capture is amazing fast with auto-crop and orientation with auto-LinkedIn verification if you choose to connect with that person! With Evernote, I was able to quickly scan 100 cards an almost half the time with almost little or no text correction. However, ScanBizCard has a lot of features that Evernote doesn't have such as 3rd party platform integration (i.e.: Salesforce, etc.), additional fields to add nor a size limit.

    I would love to see ScanBizCard to snag those features as they would be the BEST complement of what ScanBizCard app offers already. I would be interested to learn if Circle Back is aware and currently working on a similar solution! LET ME KNOW!!!!

    • @Adrian As far as scanning speed goes, it depends on what device you are using. The iPhone 5S is much faster at scanning than the previous iPhones. I recently upgraded from a 4S and couldn't believe how much faster scanning worked. Of course, the developers are still working on speeding up things regardless of hardware, so you should expect continual improvement.

      Auto-crop is something we aren't currently focusing on. However, I've made a note of it and escalated your remarks to the development team.

      Good news: Cropping is coming back! You should be able to take advantage of it this week as soon as it's approved in the iTunes Store by Apple!

  • I was a card munch user and as soon as I heard about it being terminated I went and found your scanbizcard app and like it. Especially liked that I could take my cardmunch contacts and email them to merge into my app directly. However this is my reason for the comment here. I did all the steps above to request my contacts and email to scanbizcards to merge into my account. I emailed it in to the on 5/13 but have no response at all. Not even a confirmation it was received and being processed. Can anybody tell me the status of this? Or is there a way to find out or confirm it was received and/or being done?


    • Hi Corey,

      Sorry for the delay. We contacted you earlier today with the details and you'll have your contacts imported shortly. Sorry for the delay!

  • ScanBizCards is slicker than CamCard in many ways, but CamCard's auto-cropping feature is really nice. No-one wants lots of empty space around their business card images, and manual cropping is hugely time-consuming.

    Perhaps you can prioritise this a little bit more? :)

    • Hi Kenneth!

      We appreciate the feedback and auto-cropping is high on our priority list. We are actively working on the feature now for release.

  • It appears that Circleback is afraid of Evernote for some unknown reasons, because they have removed or messed up the Evernote sync capability with Scanbizcards.

    I don't want to replace my scanbizcards for inputting my cards but I like the ability to be able to see my cards in evernote which I use all the time, I don't use it as a contact manager but I like the ability to quickly see a new card without having to go to another application when I am on my computer using my evernote note system.

    For some reason Circleback had deactivated the Evernote capability (they must be scared of Evernote).
    But for marketing reasons have left the information on their support pages on how to access Evernote (which does not work now), I assume this is for marketing reasons to suck unsuspecting people into there bait and switch operation.

    I would like them to remove the Evernote info in their app and from their support if they do not want to work with this product and stop their false advertising that they are Evernote compatible.

    I stinks that companies like Circleback can obtain a decent product like scanbizcards and advertise they did it to make it a better product and their first acts are to turn it into a marketing ploy to move people into a product that they intend to make as incompatible with other products so they can sell other products down the road to people who they have trapped their data into a proprietary system.

    • Hi Art,

      Thanks for the note and sorry for the late reply. If you're having problems with your SBC functionality, please reach out to To my knowledge, we integrate with all apps advertised.

      To address your concerns, however, CircleBack does not make products that cost business consumers like yourself anything. It's never our intention to trap you. We strive to make handy tools with great functionality to make your life easier.

      Keep in mind, however, that, as a business that builds products that compete with other businesses, we are not always able to deliver everything to everyone. We'll never stop bringing you great, useful business apps, but if we believe we've built a tool better than our competition has, we may stop offering compatibility to 1) direct users toward better apps and 2) to keep ourselves afloat so that we can continue supporting our own apps that you know and love.

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